Writers make many conscious decisions every day. Will I write today? What will I write? Who is my audience? Will my words be uplifting and helpful? How much of myself will go into the work I produce?
The tough thing is that once the words are in black and white - they are harder to recall, edit, or correct at least when you push the print or send button. Creating is only the first step. Editing, reediting (multiplied by10) and the final draft come later. Writers decide to allow fresh eyes view the piece or put it in the drawer until we have recovered from it.
Until this year I never realized how much writing is like giving birth. You have the conception, the idea for a narrative, an essay or a book. Then there are further steps of nurture where you design, lay out, outline, or cluster ideas for your masterpiece. You draft, redraft, query, write, and do it all again. You pray and worry. You plan, change your mind, and return to the draft. Then a miracle occurs when an agent, editor, or publisher says yes and you give birth to that little darling that has made you so miserable but now gives you so much joy.
My little darling is due out this month. Watch for 13 Decisions That Will Change Your Life. I believe this book will be a blessing for you to read as it was a blessing for me to write.