Friday, May 11, 2012

Tough Love

Forgiving someone close to me was the hardest thing I have ever done.  Of course like the Tom Hanks character in "A League of Their Own" said (in reference to baseball), "If it was easy everyone would do it."  And therein is the rub. 

In order to forgive you must bear the pain, decide to let the wound heal, vow to put it behind you, and offer love to the offender.  Not a bad recipe if you only have to see that person once or twice a year, but what about at all the family holidays, birthdays, Christmas, every other weekend, at funerals, gravesides, and all social events?  Each time takes a piece of your soul.  That is unless, "you forgive your brother from your heart" (Matthew 18:35 NIV)

And while you are dispensing grace to another, don't forget to take a heaping helping for yourself.  Forgiveness and grace combined are the antidote to bitterness and a life filled with fear.

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