Monday, March 3, 2014

Decide to Surrender

Why do we have such a hard time with this one?  Raised in the South, I am aware of how stubborn, set in our ways, hard-headed, and opinionated people can be.  I alas suffer from some or all of these maladies.  Laying down my will for another's is hard - but the pain comes mostly from ego.  I, of course, think I know best and impose that knowledge whenever I can.

But what happens if the situation is not one I can control.  And I must, gulp, leave it in another's hands?  If that Other is God, it should be no problem.  Yet even in prayer, I find myself asking for what I want instead of what may be for the ultimate best.

Surrender comes with a price tag.  Every decision does.  But some costs are easier to pay than others.  Surrender to God.  You will never regret that decision.